Saagara is an online health and wellness company. With doctors, engineers, yoga experts, and design staff on board, their goal is to produce online tools and applications for the general public that will help us all live healthier, more satisfying lives. I recently got an Android phone and came across two of their apps (also available for iPhone) that I wanted to share with you all.
The first app is the Smart Foods – Organic Diet Buddy App! This one provides a large list of farmers markets with locations all over the country (search by name or city and/or state)! Both the downtown Greenville “Carolina First Saturday Morning Market” and the “Greenville State Farmers Market” on Rutherford Road are listed!
It also provides a list of produce with a quick reference on whether it’s best to buy organic or if it’s safe to choose non-organic options. Though we strive to eat as 100% organic as possible, for those that are still in the transition to full-time organic, this is a great resource on where you might save some money without jeopardizing your health. Along with each type of produce, it also gives nutritional benefits and how to clean and prep the produce.
The second app is the Relax – Stress & Anxiety Relief App! This application is basically a breathing exercise. Over time, you increase the length of your breaths and have fewer breaths per minute. This is a proven method of stress reduction and helps us be more conscious of taking deep breaths.
Saagara has several other apps in the works, so if you have a Smart Phone, stay on the look out! What are your favorite healthy living apps? Let us know in the comments section! We love hearing from you!