This Week’s Basket Included Bio-Way Farms’ Cherry Tomatoes, Bio-Way Farms’ Zucchini, Hurricane Creek Bok Choy, Local Blueberries, Local Bi-Color Corn, Bananas, Local Peaches, Red Leaf Lettuce, Red Potatoes, Local Celery,
Month: July 2012
A Meal Plan by My Sister!A Meal Plan by My Sister!
This week’s meal plan is brought to you by my twin sister Michelle from A Fruitful Vine and Olive Shoots – local mom and author. I had some unexpected responsibilities come
Meal Plan for July 14-20Meal Plan for July 14-20
This Week’s Basket included Scallions, Flavor Supreme Pluots, Romaine Lettuce, Flame Seedless Grapes, South Carolina Peaches, Crimini Mushrooms, Parisi Farm’s Cantaloupes, Chef’s Greenhouse Tomatoes, Bio-way Farms’ Zucchini, Parisi Farm’s Red Sweet Potatoes, Parisi Farm’s Green Bell Peppers, and Belton Farms’ Corn. This
Weekly Meal Plan for July 7-13Weekly Meal Plan for July 7-13
This Week’s Basket Included Bananas, South Carolina Peaches, Red Globe Grapes (caution: watch out for seeds), Tommy Atkins Mangos (not pictured: we got more of something else), Purple Garlic, Ginger,